The LASIK procedure is considered one of the most popular refractive methods presently available to patients who have dealt with the hassle of vision correction aids, like glasses and contacts, to have a life without these aids.
It is a fact that human lives are filled with many types of ailments which range between mild abnormalcy to severity. Irrespective of whether the ailment is severe or minor, medical science has solutions for ailments. Medical Science offers more than one solution even for tender parts like the eyes. Eyes undergo a lot of complications due to internal and external factors.
Many complications result in surgery. Even within surgeries, there are multiple types that the patient can choose from. Lasik is one such surgery to treat abnormalities in human eyes.
What is LASIK?
Lasik is the form of Eye surgery that is used to treat Astigmatism, Nearsightedness, and Farsightedness in people. Lasik is a refractive surgery whose full form is ‘Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis’.
Lasik is an outpatient procedure that lasts for 15 minutes duration. People who plan to have a Lasik Procedure on them must, however, visit the Eye Doctor at least 30 minutes in advance and the preparation time must also be taken into account. Let us have a detailed look at the exact procedure involved in Lasik.
What exactly does LASIK do?
Like all other forms of vision correction surgeries Lasik aims to better the vision of affected people by reshaping the Cornea in the eyes. Most eye problems are caused when the Cornea, which is the clear frontal portion of the eye gets affected due to various factors.
When Cornea is affected, light passing through the same does not fall in a focused manner on the retina which lies in the rear portion of the eye. Lasik surgeries focus on reshaping the Cornea so patients can gain clear vision post-surgery.
LASIK procedure stage-wise

Stage 1 – LASIK Procedure Preparation
During this stage, the surgeon applies Eye Drops to the eye on which the surgery is planned for. If required, medication to relax the patient is administered by the Doctor concerned. The patient will be made to relax with the eye drops on in a reclining chair.
After the stipulated time, your eyelids will be propped gently by the surgeon with the help of the surgical instrument named Lid Speculum.
Stage 2 – Getting access to the Cornea
During this stage, the surgeon will access your Cornea with the help of another surgical device which will stabilize the eyes. This will make the patient feel light pressure. A thin foldable flap is created on the Cornea by the surgeon. This will blur the vision of patients.
Stage 3 – Cornea gets reshaped
During this stage, the surgeon directs pulses of light rays with the help of Excimer Laser which is completely controlled by the Computer. Though the patient will feel mild pressure, no pain will be felt. The reshaping of Cornea happens during this stage as per the decisions were taken during earlier appointments with the surgeon.
Stage 4 – End of LASIK Procedure
The Corneal flap will be brought back to its normal position by the surgeon. It will automatically heal within a few hours.